There are a handful of mothers out there who manage to lose all that weight gained from being pregnant. This isn’t the case for everyone, however. For many women, losing that weight is one of the most difficult things you can do. In some cases, women may keep that weight on for years.
Fortunately, there are a great deal of cosmetic options available for women who are struggling to get rid of that baby weight and restore their youthful appearance. One such option is the Mommy Makeover. This surgical procedure is a collection of specific procedures designed to restore a woman’s body back to their ideal look before they were pregnant.
One essential part of the mommy makeover surgery is the liposuction procedure. It’s the perfect solution for women who have trouble getting rid of that excess stubborn fat.
An Introduction to Liposuction
Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that helps remove stubborn fat. It is not a weight-loss treatment, but the fat removed may result in some amount of weight loss. what it does do well is remove those stubborn pockets of fat that some women develop when they’re pregnant.
The Liposuction Procedure
The liposuction procedure begins with a consultation where your doctor will analyze your body as a whole and carefully construct a plan of action to help you achieve the body you want. Not every liposuction surgery is the same, and everyone’s body is different, so the steps involved to perform it will vary from patient to patient.
There are different types of liposuction techniques, but the one used during the mommy makeover surgery is usually the tumescent technique. This technique involves injecting a sterile solution, which is usually a mix of salt water, epinephrine, and lidocaine.
Once the solution is injected, the fat in the treatment area becomes stiff and swollen. Your surgeon will make the incisions necessary to remove the excess fatty tissue in the area. The liquified fat will be removed via a cannula that sucks it all out.
Is Liposuction Right for You?
Liposuction is a safe and effective way for women to get rid of their excess fat and achieve a slimmer, more beautiful body. However, there are exceptions that you need to be aware of.
Patients undergoing the surgery should be in good general health and free of any underlying issues that could lead to complications. You have to be ready to provide your doctor with your full medical history and most importantly, you should have realistic expectations about your final results.
There are some pre-surgical and post-surgical instructions that you will need to follow a few weeks before and after the surgery. These instructions may require you to stop smoking, drinking, and taking certain medications for a period of time. Taking care to follow these carefully will help ensure the best end result possible.
Contact Our Office
If you’re in good general health, have realistic expectations, and are ready to follow all of the instructions, then a mommy makeover is the perfect solution for you. If you’re interested in learning more about the surgery, contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ryan Hoffman today!