Large breasts can also happen in males. The medical term for this condition is called- Gynecomastia. It can be caused by either an increase in the fat or the breast tissue of a male. There are certain medical conditions, or medications that can cause enlarged male breasts, but the large breasts themselves do not cause medical problems. The enlarged breast tissue can however, be a large source of distress and embarrassment to the affected patient. In the Main Line Philadelphia, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ryan S. Hoffman performs male breast reduction surgery to correct gynecomastia and provide a flatter, more masculine chest for his patients.
Choosing Male Breast Reduction: Who’s a Candidate for Surgery?
There are a number of reasons that men can develop gynecomastia- genetic, weight related, or side effects from medication. Adolescent males may temporarily develop male breasts, but this typically resolves within a few months. If male breasts persist then you may want to consider a surgical correction.
Some of the benefits of choosing to undergo male breast reduction surgery include:
- A flatter, more masculine chest contour
- Not being embarrassed about your upper body,
- Better fit in normal clothes and summer clothes
If you are tired of hiding your body because of embarrassment from your male breasts, contact us about male breast reduction surgery.
Male Breast Reduction in Main Line Philadelphia
When you have a consultation with Dr. Hoffman, he reviews your medical history to determine if there is a medical cause to your large breasts. It is recommended that patients investigate underlying causes of Gynecomastia before undergoing male breast reduction, because in some cases, the issue may be resolved without surgery.
In men whose breasts have become enlarged due to excess fat, Liposuction alone can be performed. Liposuction uses tiny holes to gain access to fat and then uses a suction device to remove the fat. More commonly, gynecomastia is a combination of excess fat and breast tissue. An incision around the areola is required to access the enlarged mammary glands and remove the tissue. This procedure can be combined with liposuction for improved results. Liposuction requires very small incisions, which means minimal scarring. If an incision is required to remove the enlarged breast tissue, it is made in the most cosmetically way possible. After surgery and recovery, it should be very difficult for others to tell that you have had male breast reduction surgery.
The Results and Recovery
If just liposuction is used to correct your enlarged male breasts, your recovery should be relatively straightforward. You will have a few days of soreness that will resolve quickly. You will need to wear compression to help decrease swelling of your chest. If incisions are needed to correct gynecomastia, you will need to do scar massage to maximize the healing of your incisions. Drains which may be placed during surgery may be removed at the first post operative visit. You will need to wear post operative compression for a few weeks after surgery as well. You should avoid heavy lifting while you are recovering from male breast reduction. There will be swelling and bruising after surgery, but you will begin to see the results of your male breast reduction right away.