Blepharoplasty – Philadelphia – Eyelid Lift Philadelphia

Drooping in the upper eyelids and bagginess in the lower eyelids can make you appear tired and old in spite of how you may actually feel. One of the popular cosmetic procedures is a blepharoplasty, which can rejuvenate your appearance by correcting aging issues that have affected the eyelids.

A blepharoplasty, more commonly referred to as an eyelid lift, is a surgical procedure that treats aging issues that have changed the appearance of the upper or lower eyelids. Some of the treatable conditions include excess fatty deposits that have caused puffiness in the upper eyelids and excess skin that has created fine lines or wrinkles.

There are other types of conditions that can be treated, and it is important to discuss your goals with an experienced practitioner like Dr. Ryan Hoffman.

Contact us at our office if you’d like to schedule a consultation to discuss blepharoplasty in further detail.